We love seeing your projects! If you do anything in one of our classes or with our fabrics or products, we'd be thrilled to put it on our website. Don't forget to snap a picture when you're done and please send them to us at
Customer Gallery
Pictures are coming in from the Annual Spring Retreat held this past Thurs thru Sunday.

Linda Lane stopped by to show us her beautiful quilt!
Linda made this from the Easy Sew For Urban Living book from
Melanie Gresath & Joanie Holton of Tailormade By Design.
Love those fabrics (from Prairie Points), Linda - the
quilt is stunning! Thanks for sharing!

Here are some very happy students in Deb Dvorak's
Diva Frame Wallet Class! Great job, ladies!
Contact us to find out when the next class is!

Here's our own Ms Arvella with a cute little wall-hanging she's no doubt making for one of her adorable great-granddaughters! This one's called "I'm All Ears" - a Moda Candy Pattern from Pieces From My Heart

One thing you can definitely say is that Bylle Long is very creative! She sees something she
likes and she has it done almost faster than you or I can think about it! Here's a sweet little
owl with a pocket that she made with our fabrics and her own ingenuity!

Our friend, Peggy Smith has been very busy - as usual! She stopped by to
show some of us the quilts she's been working on. The pretty, springy-looking
one on the right is the "Easy as ABC & 123 quilt from Shabby Fabrics! Beautiful!

This is Mary Stewart with her great Skateboard Quilt from MSQC - using
fabrics from Prairie Points. Very nice, Mary! Thanks for sharing!

Kay Lekies came in to show us her beautiful Flower Patch flannel quilt. Isn't it beautiful - and it'll be nice and warm in this cold weather! Thanks, Kay!

Michele Klein sent in these pictures for our Gallery. Beautiful job, Michele! She tells us:
"Here are my photos of Marty’s Valentine pillow class.
made with fabrics and patterns from Prairie Points. Great job, Kim! Thanks for sharing!
Ronda Taraboletti sent us a picture of her darling granddaughter and the pillowcase she finished! I recognize
that fabric from our shop - do you? Great job - and beautiful smile!!! Thanks for sharing.
Amy Inman just joined us at Prairie Points a few weeks ago - and we've wasted no time at all in
using her talents! She's been very busy teaching beginning garment construction and serger
classes. Here are some of her students with their projects:

Sally Broadt from Metamora is our Row by Row winner! Sally was the first one
in with her finished quilt so she won a 25 fat quarter bundle for visiting 8 shops.

These are all from our attendees at our Winter Retreat! There were many more that weren't finished and some we didn't get pictures of - but they're all beautiful and everyone had
a great time!!

Dawn Robinson came in to show us this great Flag quilt she made for her daughter
who is in the service. Thanks, Dawn - and thank your daughter for her sevice too!

Several groups of Girl Scouts got together with our own Carole Kouski and her helpers
to work on a badge and make these great little travel pillows! Great job, girls!

Fun and Fashion for all ages with December's MITI. Infinity scarves in all
different fabrics and colors - perfect for gifts -esp. if you're giving it to yourself!!!

November's Make-It-Take-It was the easiest Christmas stocking you will
ever sew! See....everybody is still smiling after class! :)
First embroidery in-the-hoop Make-It-Take-It group made a fun-ctional key fob.
Forgot to take a picture of the first group - but they all did an amazing job! Most of
them ending up making more after class too. They're great students!

Kathy and Peggy with their cute little Make-It-Take-It scrap bags!

Jackie O'Laughlin's gorgeous, award-winning Sedona Star! Lots of beautiful embroidery,
beautiful fabrics and lots of work! She deserves that award and more!!

Some of our employees' creations. Fabric choice makes a big difference - but they're all beautiful! Left to right - Denise Riggio, Martha Dakin and Georjean Lipovsky.

Loretta Fehl's adorable quilt. Love the big rick rack around the border!
Here are the finished projects from June's Make-It-Take-It. Everyone had a wonderful time and did a fantastic job on your bags! Hope to see you again in July for the mug rug project.

I just happened to be in the shop when Linda Shaner brought in her beautiful Kaleidoscope quilt, so I got a picture of it. Great job, Linda, and your helpers, Hannah and Elise are beautiful too!

Many of you have asked how our own Mariann Armstrong used her Cat panel so she gave us a picture. Love it!

Somebody's gonna love this !
Customer Gallery
Row by Row Jr winner - Emily
Pictures are coming in from the Annual Spring Retreat held this past Thurs thru Sunday.
Please feel free to send us yours if you were there! We think everyone had fun and got a lot done! Thanks for joining us!
Group Picture - Some of them holding up the bag they made from the free pattern.
Cindy says this one is getting a "bunch of applique" next.
All of it will be done out of her stash. Way to go, Cindy!

Gleneta with her Halloween quilt. Joyce finished the Mystery Quilt.
Nikki finished the center of her beautiful "Go Bloom" Quilt-
an embroidered quilt class with Martha Dakin. Love those colors!

March's Make It Take Its were these cute little purses for Spring!
Linda S., Sandy W., Carol R., Teacher Arvella, Sheri T and Cassie A
with their completed Flower Accent bags! Awesome!
Our latest Make It-Take It was a vinyl zipped bag to keep your phone, keys, etc

Linda Lane stopped by to show us her beautiful quilt!
Linda made this from the Easy Sew For Urban Living book from
Melanie Gresath & Joanie Holton of Tailormade By Design.
Love those fabrics (from Prairie Points), Linda - the
quilt is stunning! Thanks for sharing!

Here are some very happy students in Deb Dvorak's
Diva Frame Wallet Class! Great job, ladies!
Contact us to find out when the next class is!

Here's our own Ms Arvella with a cute little wall-hanging she's no doubt making for one of her adorable great-granddaughters! This one's called "I'm All Ears" - a Moda Candy Pattern from Pieces From My Heart

One thing you can definitely say is that Bylle Long is very creative! She sees something she
likes and she has it done almost faster than you or I can think about it! Here's a sweet little
owl with a pocket that she made with our fabrics and her own ingenuity!

Our friend, Peggy Smith has been very busy - as usual! She stopped by to
show some of us the quilts she's been working on. The pretty, springy-looking
one on the right is the "Easy as ABC & 123 quilt from Shabby Fabrics! Beautiful!

This is Mary Stewart with her great Skateboard Quilt from MSQC - using
fabrics from Prairie Points. Very nice, Mary! Thanks for sharing!

Kay Lekies came in to show us her beautiful Flower Patch flannel quilt. Isn't it beautiful - and it'll be nice and warm in this cold weather! Thanks, Kay!

Michele Klein sent in these pictures for our Gallery. Beautiful job, Michele! She tells us:
"Here are my photos of Marty’s Valentine pillow class.
The embroidery designs also have lots of other seasonal designs.
Marty’s classes are fun and a great way to learn the features on your machine."

Kim M. also sent us some great pictures of an iron caddy, wall-hanging and quilt for her grandson - 

made with fabrics and patterns from Prairie Points. Great job, Kim! Thanks for sharing!

Ronda Taraboletti sent us a picture of her darling granddaughter and the pillowcase she finished! I recognize
that fabric from our shop - do you? Great job - and beautiful smile!!! Thanks for sharing.
Amy Inman just joined us at Prairie Points a few weeks ago - and we've wasted no time at all in
using her talents! She's been very busy teaching beginning garment construction and serger
classes. Here are some of her students with their projects:

Sally Broadt from Metamora is our Row by Row winner! Sally was the first one
in with her finished quilt so she won a 25 fat quarter bundle for visiting 8 shops.

These are all from our attendees at our Winter Retreat! There were many more that weren't finished and some we didn't get pictures of - but they're all beautiful and everyone had
a great time!!

Dawn Robinson came in to show us this great Flag quilt she made for her daughter
who is in the service. Thanks, Dawn - and thank your daughter for her sevice too!

Several groups of Girl Scouts got together with our own Carole Kouski and her helpers
to work on a badge and make these great little travel pillows! Great job, girls!

Fun and Fashion for all ages with December's MITI. Infinity scarves in all
different fabrics and colors - perfect for gifts -esp. if you're giving it to yourself!!!

November's Make-It-Take-It was the easiest Christmas stocking you will
ever sew! See....everybody is still smiling after class! :)

First embroidery in-the-hoop Make-It-Take-It group made a fun-ctional key fob.
Forgot to take a picture of the first group - but they all did an amazing job! Most of
them ending up making more after class too. They're great students!

Kathy and Peggy with their cute little Make-It-Take-It scrap bags!

Jackie O'Laughlin's gorgeous, award-winning Sedona Star! Lots of beautiful embroidery,
beautiful fabrics and lots of work! She deserves that award and more!!

Some of our employees' creations. Fabric choice makes a big difference - but they're all beautiful! Left to right - Denise Riggio, Martha Dakin and Georjean Lipovsky.

Loretta Fehl's adorable quilt. Love the big rick rack around the border!
Here are the finished projects from June's Make-It-Take-It. Everyone had a wonderful time and did a fantastic job on your bags! Hope to see you again in July for the mug rug project.

I just happened to be in the shop when Linda Shaner brought in her beautiful Kaleidoscope quilt, so I got a picture of it. Great job, Linda, and your helpers, Hannah and Elise are beautiful too!

Many of you have asked how our own Mariann Armstrong used her Cat panel so she gave us a picture. Love it!

Somebody's gonna love this !
Bonnie Allen has been very busy - taking classes and making some beautiful projects that she was willing to share with us!!!
The first one is the Northern Lights lap quilt she made in her very first attempt at quilting in Jackie's Learn to Quilt 101 class!

Her second quilt was in Laurie's class - and we love the colors!

This one was the embroidered table runner in Marty's Embroidery Club.

Bonnie says " I have been very satisfied with the classes I have taken and the quality of the teachers. Love this craft and can't wait to do more."
You did a great job, Bonnie! Your teachers are very proud of you - and so are we!!! Thanks for sharing!
The first one is the Northern Lights lap quilt she made in her very first attempt at quilting in Jackie's Learn to Quilt 101 class!

Her second quilt was in Laurie's class - and we love the colors!

This one was the embroidered table runner in Marty's Embroidery Club.

Bonnie says " I have been very satisfied with the classes I have taken and the quality of the teachers. Love this craft and can't wait to do more."
You did a great job, Bonnie! Your teachers are very proud of you - and so are we!!! Thanks for sharing!
This is Samantha - Kathy Weiss's granddaughter. She wanted to make something for her sister, Tabitha, so she went fabric shopping in Grandma's fabric stash, embroidered her sister's name and made this coaster for her. Kathy tells us she also learned how to use a seam ripper and iron. She's got a great start on becoming a seamstress, embroiderer and quilter!!! Great job, Ms Samantha! I remember when you used to come visit us at Cotton Stitches with your Grandma Kathy!

This quilt is from Mary Edwards - one of the retreaters this past weekend at
Villa Maria. Awesome, Mary!

This is from Susan Hudspath - also a retreater! I bet some lucky little person is going to be thrilled to death with this Animal Quilt! Really cute!
Michelle Klein took Isy's "Mariner's Compass" class and sent us a picture of her beautiful block. Love the colors, Michelle! Beautiful job! She tells us that she loved the class and Isy! Thanks, we love Isy too and she is a great teacher!!! :)

Carol Lontai has been very busy sewing for her grandkids - and has sent us some pictures of the beautiful things she's been making. She's discovered Oliver & S patterns and tells us that she loves them. We can see why - they're adorable!
Carol also tells us that the beautiful patch on Sophia's jacket is removable so it can be replaced with Isla's name when it fits her. Great idea, Carol! Thanks for sharing!

Carol also tells us that the beautiful patch on Sophia's jacket is removable so it can be replaced with Isla's name when it fits her. Great idea, Carol! Thanks for sharing!

Our first weekend of retreat in January was a lot of productive fun! We have pictures of many of the projects our retreators worked on that we'd like to share with you. Don't forget - there's another weekend coming up in Feb. You, too, can have all that fun!

We'd love to see more of your pictures - so please send them to us at info@prairiepts.co

We'd love to see more of your pictures - so please send them to us at info@prairiepts.co
Sue Kaiser has been very busy making gifts for the little ones in her life! She sent us these pictures of just a couple of things she has finished - and are they ever cute. The quilt is for new baby Drew who Sue says "took his sweet ol' time getting here." The adorable owl purse is for granddaughter Emma. Bet she loved it!!! Thanks, Sue!

Stole this beauty off of Michele Klein's facebook page. She's been busy embroidering pillow cases and I think this one is absolutely gorgeous! Wonder who's getting this under the tree? Great job, Michele!

Kathi was a little busy making candle mats/mug rugs for a couple of craft sales, but they are so much fun to make that they're addicting. The original design was a free in-the-hoop project from Five Star Fonts, but we made some changes in our 5D/6D software class to make these our own. Betcha can't make just one!!!

Nikki Mitts sent us a picture of her beautiful Imari Plate quilt. Love the colors and it looks fantastic on the bed! Great job, Nikki!

This beautiful Sedona Star was Laurie Schierer's entry into the Gem's of the Prairie Quilt Show. Notice the ribbon on the right side? It is definitely deserving of that ribbon!!! Isn't it beautiful!

This Sedona Star was entered in the Gem's show by Jackie O'Laughlin - equally as beautiful and deserving of the ribbons she received! This quilt won Viewer's Choice in the Embroidery Quilt category and Vendor's Choice award. Way to go, Jackie. It really is gorgeous!!
Sue Kaiser has been hanging out with her beautiful new Designer Diamond Royale and sent us some pictures of the wonderful things she's stitched out in her majestic hoop. Awesome, Sue! Looks like fun! Keep the pics coming!

These beautiful blocks are from students in Isy's Mariner's Compass class. Every one of these blocks that we've seen is absolutely beautiful! Fantastic work, ladies! They are gorgeous!

These beautiful pictures were sent to us by Anne Castagna who tells us: "The turquoise and brown quilts use Mariner's Compass design. The turquoise one has a modified version of Quilting class 3's quilt while brown one uses the design. Thanks for letting me share!" No, thank you, Anne! They're both great! You get an A+ for those classes!

This Moon Glow quilt was sent in by Barbara Dawson. She purchased the kit at Prairie Points and did an awesome job of putting it together! Wow! Beautiful, Barb! Thanks for sharing!

Wanda Andrews sent in pictures of this adorable elephant and blanket she made. She tells us "This is a quick project I made for my brand new Great Niece, Riley Kay Harris. The elephant is a pattern from Prairie Points as well as the blanket fabric."

Really, really cute, Wanda! Little Riley Kay is going to love it! Thanks for sharing!

Really, really cute, Wanda! Little Riley Kay is going to love it! Thanks for sharing!
These are foot box covers made in Marty Tarter's class last week. Beautiful and functional!!! Great job, girls!

These were made by Claudette Cremer and Michelle Klein and Marty Tarter. Love them all!
This was an Embroidery Club project that we did last fall. I loved this fabric the minute I saw it and had to do something with it. Luckily, 2 of my nieces co-operated and had baby girls (2days apart) in Oct., so I could make these adorable bib/diaper wipe cover/burp cloth sets for them. These are all done in the hoop! (Design available on-line at Five Star Fonts). This one was for Ms Alyssa.

My grandkids are going to Disney World in a couple of weeks, so I wanted to send them there in style. I collected all the fabrics for the skirts and shorts from Prairie Points and attached them to a purchased tank top. The tank tops for all 3 were embroidered by taking a coloring book picture and using 5D to make an applique. The kids (and their parents) loved them! Got requests for more already so I'd better get started collecting fabrics!

Wanda Andrews sent us some pictures of the beautiful projects she's done in class. These is the serger pillows she did in Mary Walck's serger club:

and these are the Hunter's Star Quilt and bed runner she did in Isabelle's Hunter's Star class.

Great job, Wanda! They're beautiful. You get an A+ in both classes!
This is the first block of the gorgeous Mariner's Compass Quilt that Isabelle Donnelly is teaching in August. This block is on display in the classroom at Prairie Points and the class is listed in the new newsletter and on the website on the August schedule. It is truly a beautiful quilt! Peggy's block is below - and you can see what a difference fabrics and borders make - but every single one we've seen before is stunning!

Peggy Smith sent us this picture of the first block of her beautiful Mariner's Compass Quilt. This is an embroidered block from the Anita Goodesign collection. Simply stunning, Peggy! Can't wait to see the finished quilt!

Michele Klein made this beautiful bag in Marty Tarter's Embroidery Club. Love the techniques you used in this - and the colors are fantastic! Just beautiful, Michele!

Carol Lontai posted this picture on our FaceBook page of her adorable granddaughter, Isla modeling a dress made by Carol and embellished with a lace medallion she made in Marty Tarter's class. Such a great idea, Carol, and it looks so cute on Isla! Thanks!

This is Sandy Perry's beautiful Fence Rail Quilt made entirely of fabric purchased last fall at Prairie Points. Sandy tells us "I machine pieced it and Debra Edwards of Michigan did the long arm quilting. It was my first big quilt. It's a mix of regular cotton fabrics and some batik cotton fabrics." It's beautiful, Sandy! Thanks for sharing!

This is Robyn Welch's beautiful and fun embroidered quilt - Picnic Time
from Lunchbox Quilts. It's a pieced and machine embroidery appliqued quilt
that looks good enough to eat! Love it, Robyn!

Our first entry in the Customer Project Gallery is submitted by Kim Erlandson. This quilt is not quite finished yet - but so pretty we had to show you anyway! This is Kim's version of the Rapid Fire Hunter's Star quilt. Kim took this class from Isabelle Donnelly in April. Isy will be offering this class again too, so you can have your own beautiful quilt soon! Great job, Kim!!!

Kelly sent us a picture of her "Cathedral Window" class and
said "A good time was had by all!" They did a great job too!
Thanks for sharing, Kelly!
If you and a friend (or 2, or 3...) are interested in making this project,
please contact us and we'll schedule one for you.
Send us photos of projects you did in our classes or with our products and you can be a star on our website too!
Send pictures and details to us at info@prairiepts.com