Make-It-Take-It tomorrow

September 19, 2014
Here's what's happening at Prairie Points this week:
Claudette will show you how to make this adorable little thread catcher. All you have to do is register and be there - we supply everything - including the machines! Kit fee is $4. Please call shop to reserve your spot.
We have received the new Designer Ruby Royale! Come in and demo this beautiful new machine and all it can do! Free gift with machine purchase - $300 value (while supplies last!)
See more on the New Designer Ruby Royale here:
Another exciting introduction is the Inspira Organizing System by Closetmaid. This collection has a product for everything in your sewing room; every cabinet you need to get truly organized!
We expect delivery of the Thread Cabinet, Mat & Hoop Cabinet and Three-drawer Supply cabinet floor models in a couple of weeks. Can't wait for you to see them! Beautiful functionality you will love!
September is National Sewing Month. Sign up for one of our great classes to find inspiration for a head start on holiday gifts and get in the spirit!
Here's the new special for you from Viking:
Expires September 30th

Gems of the Prairie Quilt Show
at the Civic Center in Peoria
Saturday, September 27 and Sunday, September 28.
We will have a booth there, so come say hello!!!
Here's a link to the Gem's Show for more info.

Shop Hop is sneaking up on us!
Oct. 10, 11, 17 and 18th.
Click on this LINK to see a copy of the Shop Hop 2014 flyer.
The theme this year is "Quilting and Quisine" so it will be food-based. Doesn't get any better than that! Tickets are still $5 and flyers are available in the shop.
"Black Cat Crossing" from Maywood (18 bolts) & lots of patterns to choose from!
Paint" by Carrie Bloomston for Windham (10 bolts) - contemporary newsprints and collage prints in fun, bright coral, aqua and fuchsia colors.
15% off
all in-stock Batting

CLASSES for September 20 - 28, 2014
Saturday, September 20 - Make It Take It- 10 am or 2pm
Sunday, September 21 -No classes
Monday, September 22 - New Owner's Class #1 -2:30pm
Tuesday, September 23 - No Classes
Wednesday, September 24 - No Classes
Thursday, September 25- Squedge Ruler Table Runner - 1pm
New Owner's Class # 2 - 2:30pm
Friday, September 26 - No Classes
Saturday, September 27 - No Classes
Sunday, September 28 - Sunday Sew-In with Jan - 10am
Click on the class name above to take you to the description and details of each class. You can also call the shop or contact your instructor. As always, our complete calendar is on our website here. Thanks!
Have you visited our website lately? View our classes and events calendar, see our customer gallery, new fabrics, free pattern of the month, our adoption corner and much more! Don't forget to visit our FaceBook page too. We'd love for you to post any comments or photos of your latest projects for us to enjoy!
Here are direct links for you: Prairie Points website
Prairie Points Face Book Page
Hope to see you soon!
Denise and the Prairie Points staff
Prairie Points
8851 N. Knoxville Ave.
Peoria, Illinois 61615
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