Shop Hop - Week 1

October 9, 2015
Here's what's happening this week at Prairie Points:
Oh my!
The new top-of-the-line sewing/embroidery machine
is truly EPIC in every way!!!

You will be as amazed as we were at the features on this machine!
The touchpad is 10 1/2", featuring the JoyOS advisor. This on-board knowledge center has info and tutorials at your fingertips.
Stay tuned for info on our EPIC unveiling to you!
Shop Hop is in full swing!
Stop by tomorrow or next Friday or Saturday to get in on the fun!
Here's a picture of our striking Shop Hop Quilt - "A Quilting Revolution".
You have to see it in person to see how it "sparkles"!

October Shop Special
15% off all Batting

In stock only, please. Thru Oct. 31.
What's New this week:

"Santa's on His Way" and "Rhapsody" are brand new and waiting for you!
Saturday, October 10- Shop Hop
Sunday, October 11 - Sunday Sew-In with Jan - 10am
Monday, October 12 - Majestic Applique Pillow - 9am
Tuesday, October 13 - Cool Guys -1pm
Tilted T-shirt Quilt - 5pm
Wednesday, October 14 - No Classes
Thursday, October 15- EPP Sewing Group - 5pm
Friday, October 16- Shop Hop - 9am - 7pm
Saturday, October 17- Shop Hop - 9am -7pm
Sunday, October 18 - No Classes
* Please notice the change in some regularly scheduled classes due to Shop Hop. There will be no Prairie Points Quilt Club or Make-It-Take-It in the month of October.
Click on the class name above to take you to the description and details of each class. You can also call the shop or contact your instructor. As always, our complete calendar is on our website here. Thanks!
Prairie Points Face Book Page
See you soon!
Denise and the Prairie Points staff
Prairie Points
8851 N. Knoxville Ave.
Peoria, Illinois 61615