Happy Valentine's Day!

February 12, 2016

Here's what's happening at Prairie Points this week:
We know you new EPIC owners are having a blast with your
beautiful, top-of-the-line machine - so we're giving you an opportunity to learn and practice some new skills at the EPIC BOOTCAMP with Martha Dakin.
Check the calendar below for dates - and please call to reserve your spot.
Save the Date!
Thursday, March 17th
Gudrun Erla of GE designs will be at the shop for a
Stripology lecture/demo and trunk show!
More details coming soon.
Shop Special for February
Buy One Get One 50% Off!
All in-stock Patterns

What's New this week:

"Animal ABCs" from Windham is a "super panel," which is
47" by 70" and 2 coordinates for your little animals.

"Clarabell" from Hoffman - 7 lovely bolts of aqua
and white with silver metallic accents.
Saturday, February 13 - Prairie Points Quilt Club - 10am
Sunday, February 14 - Sunday Sew-In with Jan - 10am
Monday, February 15 - No Classes
Tuesday, February 16 - No Classes
Wednesday, February 17 - No Classes
Thursday, February 18 - EPIC Bootcamp - 10am
Sew Social - 5pm
Friday, February 19- EPIC Bootcamp - 10am
Saturday, February 20 - EPIC Bootcamp - 10am
Make-It=Take-It - 10:30am
Make-It-Take-It - 2pm
Sunday, February 21 - Red is For Ruby - 1:30pm
Click on the class name above to take you to the description and details of each class. You can also call the shop or contact your instructor. As always, our complete calendar is on our website. Thanks!
Prairie Points Face Book Page
See you soon!
Denise and the Prairie Points staff
Prairie Points
8851 N. Knoxville Ave.
Peoria, Illinois 61615