Tailormade by Design coming to us!

June 3, 2016
Here's what's happening at Prairie Points
Friday, June 17th

Melanie Gresath & Joanie Holton of Tailormade By Design will be giving a
lecture/trunk show. $10 to reserve your spot.
Saturday, June 18,
10 am - 1pm,
Join Melanie & Joanie as they give a workshop, featuring the
Community Garden Quilt from their book,
Easy-Sew Quilts for Urban Living.
Come join the fun and be inspired and challenged by these two creative
designers. Class fee is $25. Call the shop to sign up.

Shop Special for June
Batiks - only $9/yd

In stock only while supplies last.
June 1 - 30, 2016
What's new this week?

"Botanical Beauty" by Robert Kaufman
Make-It Take-It -
will be on hiatus June & July
Watch for details for a back to school project in August!
Saturday, June 4- No Classes
Sunday, June 5- No Classes
Monday, June 6 - No Classes
Tuesday, June 7- No Classes
Wednesday, June 8 - No Classes
Thursday, June 9- No Classes
Friday, June 10 - No Classes
Saturday, June 11- Prairie Points Quilt Club - 10am
Ruler Work Block of the Month - 1pm
Sunday, June 12- Sunday Sew-in with Jan - 10am
Click on the class name above to take you to the description and details of the class. You can also call the shop or contact your instructor. As always, our complete calendar is on our website. Thanks!
Prairie Points Face Book Page
See you soon!
Denise and the Prairie Points staff
Prairie Points
8851 N. Knoxville Ave.
Peoria, Illinois 61615