New Updates for Machines available!!

February 21, 2020

Effective Saturday, February 7 - Prairie Points is
changing our hours. New hours will be-
Monday thru Friday - 10;00 am to 5:00 pm
Saturday - 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
We will still be closed on Sunday!
Tuesday, February 18th
· Ability to Read .evp3 format. Expand your embroidery possibilities with a mySewnet™
Library subscription. Send designs directly from the mySewnet™ Library or save designs
to your mySewnet™ cloud.
· Support for Design Placement in MySewMonitor ™ App. Take a photo of your hooped project send it to your machine as your hoop background to easily place your design on your project.
Tuesday, February 25th
Original DESIGNER EPIC™ Update
· Same as the Designer Brilliance 80 updates PLUS
· The 260x260 hoop you've all been waiting for is now compatible and in your hoop selectionon the Designer Epic™
Both machines will also be getting performance updates.
These machines will have the same possibility to receive embroidery designs sent directly from mySewnet™ Library or open Library designs saved to the cloud account. The only difference
from the DESIGNER EPIC™ 2 machine is that they will not have the Library tab on screen and
the possibility to search for embroidery designs directly in the interface.
SVP Education Event: Quilt Therapy with Christine Harlan and the Epic 2!

Join us and our special quest, SVP Elite Educator Christine Harlan, for a fun filled and inspiring day.
Friday, February 28, 2020 from 9:00 am til 5:00 pm

Join us and our special quest, SVP Elite Educator Christine Harlan, for a fun filled and inspiring day.
We will be exploring the new Epic 2 with hands-on experience making a table runner project.
You will be exploring making piping with the narrow piping foot, how to work with curves
with an applique quilting technique, exclusive stitches and the use of the NEW Design placement app.
Christine will also introduce Premier Plus 2 Ultra Software,
the NEW ECQ Software and phone Apps that work so well with the Epic 2. She loves to pas
You will be exploring making piping with the narrow piping foot, how to work with curves
with an applique quilting technique, exclusive stitches and the use of the NEW Design placement app.
Christine will also introduce Premier Plus 2 Ultra Software,
the NEW ECQ Software and phone Apps that work so well with the Epic 2. She loves to pas