Sign up for a class and a chance to win!

March 6, 2020

Prairie Points Annual Spring Retreat
GrandStay Hotel and Suites
(formerly AmericInn Lodge and Suites)
9106 North Lindbergh Drive, Peoria, IL.
Thursday, April 30th 12:30pm until Sunday, May 3rd noon
The “sewing room” at the GrandStay has been reserved for the annual spring retreat!
Registration is now open, so please sign up soon if you want to attend.
Space is limited! Prairie Points will arrange for the large group sewing room only.
The cost for this is $75.
How to sign up:
Group Sewing Room: Call or come by the shop to reserve your spot -309-692-4340
GrandStay Hotel and Suites
(formerly AmericInn Lodge and Suites)
9106 North Lindbergh Drive, Peoria, IL.
Thursday, April 30th 12:30pm until Sunday, May 3rd noon
The “sewing room” at the GrandStay has been reserved for the annual spring retreat!
Registration is now open, so please sign up soon if you want to attend.
Space is limited! Prairie Points will arrange for the large group sewing room only.
The cost for this is $75.
How to sign up:
Group Sewing Room: Call or come by the shop to reserve your spot -309-692-4340
Accommodations: Call GrandStay to reserve your room -855-455-7829
Remember to mention you are with Prairie Points (block of rooms expire 3/14)!
Remember to mention you are with Prairie Points (block of rooms expire 3/14)!
Singer Featherweight Machine Give Away!
Come see our great line-up of classes and you may win a Featherweight!!!
Through March 31, when you sign up and pay for a class,* you will be eligible
for a chance to win a Singer (new style) Featherweight sewing machine.
(Perfect machine for taking to all your classes!)
The drawing will be held the first weekend in April.
for a chance to win a Singer (new style) Featherweight sewing machine.
(Perfect machine for taking to all your classes!)
The drawing will be held the first weekend in April.
*BOMs, New Owner classes, Private classes, Retreat and clubs (i.e. Kimberbell Club, Quilt Club)
do not qualify as classes for this give-away.
do not qualify as classes for this give-away.
There's still room for you!
Forest Nights Block Of the Month
Third Saturday of each month thru December at 12:30 pm

This exciting new row of the month runs for 6 months.
Registration is $10, Pattern is $18, then purchase a Gift Card for $100 to redeem for
a kit, or use your own fabrics and save the gift card for other in house purchases.
Come in to the shop to see the beautiful sample and sign up now!
Join us for the Kona Color Inspiration Club!

Become a member simply by purchasing a Kona Color card.
The club runs thru Dec 2020. Each month you will receive:
- A free pattern which focuses on the use of solids,
- 25% off the "Kona color of the month" which will be picked by different
staff members throughout the year.*
- 15% off Kona solid purchases all the time.*
March's Kona Color is "Enchanted".
Call or come into the shop if you have any questions and see what you can
do with your Kona color card!
(*minimum 1/2 yard cut)

Spring Cleaning Sale!!!
Further reductions of clearance items up to 60% off
AND $5.00/yd on Dept. 36 fabrics (1 yard minimum).
Help us make room for new goodies!

"Construction Zone" by Northcott
Panel and 3 coordinating bolts