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Be Sew Adventurous in National Quilting Month!

March 11,

Sewing, Quilting and Embroidery is an Adventure!!!

Valid on qualified trade-ins thru March 31st.

Valid with qualified trade-in thru March 31st.

Great prices on fabulous machines!

Valid thru March 31st.

(Perfect machine for taking to all your classes!)

Beginning February 29 and running through March 31, when you sign up and pay for a class,*
you will be eligible for a chance to win a Singer (new style) Featherweight sewing machine.  
The drawing will be held the first weekend in April.

*Clubs (Kimberbell, Quilt Club, etc), Block of the Month, Retreats and
New Owner and Private Classes do not qualify as classes for this drawing.*

Monday thru Friday - 10;00 am to 5:00 pm
Saturday - 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
We are closed on Sunday! 
Thank you!

Shop Hop will be here before you know it!!!

To get all the news fast  - join the
Friends of Central IL Shop Hop facebook group.
Stay on top of all the Hop-inings!!!


Thursday, March 12 - 10:00 am - Kimberbell Sew-In with Carol

Saturday, March 14 - 10:00 am - 2020 Prairie Points Quilt Club

Saturday, March 14 - 1:00 pm - SKW Urban Abacus with Deb

Sunday, March 15 - 10:00 am - Quilts of Valor Workshop

Monday, March 16 - 1:00 pm - Gems of the Prairie Art Bee

Tuesday, March 17 - 2:00 pm - Beginning Quilting with Claudette (6 sessions, ending April 21)

Saturday, March 21 - 10:00 am - Kimberbell Embroidery Club with Carol

Saturday, March 21 - 11:30 am - Cedar Mills BOM

Saturday, March 21 - 12:30 pm - Forest Nights BOM

Sunday, March 22 - 10:00 am - Sunday Sew-in with Jan

Monday, March 23 - 5:00 pm - Preparing Your Quilt Top to Quilt with Beth

Tuesday, March 24 - 2:00 pm - Beginning Quilting with Claudette

Wednesday, March 25 - 1:00 pm - Machine Quilting with a Walking Foot with Beth

Thursday, March 26 - 5:00 pm - Sit N Stitch with Diane, Julia and Kelly

Saturday, March 28 - 10:00 am - Temperature Quilt with Ruthie

Monday, March 30 - 5:00 pm - Pineapple Pizzazz with Georjean

Tuesday, March 31 -5:00 pm - SKW Urban Abacus with Deb

Tuesday, March 31 - 2:00 pm - Beginning Quilting with Claudette

Saturday, April 4 - 10:00 am - Rapid Fire Hunter's Star with Kelly

Saturday, April 4 - 1:30 pm - Tall Trim the Tree with Kelly

Monday, April 6 - 1:00 pm - Machine Quilting- - Free Motion
with Beth

Tuesday, April 7 - 2:00 pm - Beginning Quilting with Claudette

Thursday, April 9- 10:00 am - Kimberbell Sew-In with Carol

Saturday, April 11 - 10:00 am - 2020 Prairie Points Quilt Club

Saturday, April 11 - 1:00 pm - SKW Chic Picnic with Deb

* Click on the links to get more info about classes on our website.*
**Don't forget to make our clerk aware that you are purchasing supplies for class to receive your class discount.**