Thank YOU for making our reopening great!!!

June 12, 2020

As many of you know, we reopened our doors Monday June 1st.
We want to thank everyone who came by to shop to say hello and check out the new
'goodies' we have received in the past few weeks.
We appreciate you all following the guidelines that we have put
in place for safety. We think it has worked very well so far.
Thank you!!!

Beginning at 11:00 am Monday - Friday and 10:00 am on Saturday,
the store is now open to the public.
(with a few restrictions)
~Please call when you arrive to see how many customers are already in the store.
customer use when entering and leaving the store.
~Staff continuously cleans high touch areas between customers
Please be patient as we implement ways to keep each other safe
AND the doors open.
For those of you who prefer not to come into
the store quite yet - we continue our Curbside Service.

anytime during our regular hours. Just leave a
message or send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

appointment in the store each day!!
for any day Monday thru Friday at 10:00
(Both customers & employees MUST wear a mask and maintain physical distancing).
phone for appointments, curbside pick-up or any questions.
We are excited to join the Kimberbell Love Notes Mystery!

This Quilt will be available in an Embroidery Version or a Sewing Version.
To sign up, come by the shop to purchase either version.
We will distribute the Love Notes over five consecutive weeks
from August 3rd to August 31st. Each Love Note envelope
will have the instructions for a section of the quilt.
We'll have so much fun putting the pieces together to solve the mystery!!!
Fabric and Embellishment Kits will also be available for purchase.

Aurifil Club News!
"What about those Aurifil Club coupon? ", you ask?
Well, the short answer is yes, of course we will still honor your March,
April and May coupons. You can bring them in now that the store is open,
or bring it to a curb-side pickup appointment- no problem!
We will honor them until the end of June.
But wait, there’s more!
As part of our plans for 2020, we ordered more cases!
They are empty this time but if you purchase one you will get coupons for
25% off one Aurifil thread for each month through the end of the year.
That’s like getting 2 spools of thread free! Here is the info for the Club -
Aurifil Thread Club - 2020
Just like last year, we are sponsoring another Aurifil Thread Club!
Purchase an empty Aurifil case and you will receive coupons, one for each month
through the end of 2020, for 25% off one large spool of Aurifil thread.
Even after you have used your coupon for the month you can still save!
Bring your box with you and get 15% off additional purchases of Aurifil thread!
We do ask that you follow a couple rules:
· Only you can redeem the coupon. Sorry, no phoning a friend.
· Coupon must be redeemed during that month.
(Except as we are allowing due to the shop being closed thru May.
The case is only $8 and is currently discounted by 15%!
We would love to hear your color requests so we can add to our inventory!
Sorry, no variegated colors, only solids.
Upcoming Classes
We are in the process of rescheduling classes and posting new ones, so
check the website calendar for changes! Your instructors will be contacting
you as soon as they have worked out details and can safely hold them.
You will receive credit for any classes you have already paid for.
We'd love to see what you're working on while you've been home -
so please post pictures on Facebook and Instagram as linked below.
We look forward to seeing you again soon!
Thank you.
Denise and the Prairie Points Staff
Prairie Points Website
Prairie Points email
Prairie Points Facebook page
Prairie Points
8851 N. Knoxville
Peoria, IL 61615