Happy New Year!! Let's kick 2020 to the curb!!

December 29, 2020

*Holiday Hours*
Open New Years Eve - December 31st - 11 am - 2 pm
Closed New Years Day - January 1st

Next week we celebrate 7 years under Denise's ownership!
January 4 through 9
~ 40% OFF selected Seasonal fabrics, kits, panels and pre-cuts!
Includes Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween.
~ 20% OFF rulers
~ Department 36 Fabrics $5.00 per yard.
~ 50% OFF Department 36 Notions, Patterns and Threads
(Minimum 1 yard cut on bolted fabrics. No special orders, please)
Last week for these specials from Husqvarna Viking!!

Come and take a test drive on these spectacular machines and find out more!!
Prairie Points Quilt Club Membership Sign-Up is going on now!

With Covid-19 restrictions, Club will be slightly different for the winter months.
We are exploring Zoom meetings so members will still be able to "see" each other -
and we can keep the same format with BOM, tips, "What's New", Show & Tell, and Quilt Club
specials. Members will also receive a 10% discount with any purchase anytime they shop at
Prairie Points. PPQC fee is $35. Please sign up now to reserve your spot.
Kona Club 2021
Purchase this Kona Desk Calendar for the new year
and you are automatically enrolled in Kona Club!

Kona Club benefits include a 25% discount on the color of the
current month and a 15% discount on any Kona Cotton Solid any time.

Horizon is the Color of the Month for January.
This beautiful sky blue is Kona's Color of the year for 2021.
New Block of the Month starts in January!
"Gravity" is a beautiful graded-color triangle block quilt by
Jaybird Quilts

This BOM will begin on January 16, and continue every 3rd Saturday until October.
The fee includes
1. A $15 class admin fee
2. A $75 Gift Card - which can be used to purchase fabric for the quilt or anything else.
3. The Gravity pattern book ($29.95)
(The book includes templates, so the purchase of the rulers is optional, but
strongly recommended - and 20% off next week! Kelly will be offering other
classes using these rulers too, like "Northern Lights" and "Science Fair"!)
Due to the Tier 3 Mitigation - we have had to restructure our classes.
We are working to provide alternatives for you-
such as Zoom classes - so stay tuned for updates.
Thank you for your patience!
Class and Club News
New Year's Eve - Thursday, December 31st - Open 11;00 am til 2:00 pm
Friday, January 1st, 2021 - Closed -

Saturday, January 9 - 10:00 am - Prairie Points Quilt Club 2021
(Watch for Zoom information in your email or on Facebook)
Saturday, January 16 - Gravity BOM begins
Monday, January 18 - Gems of the Prairie Art Bee
If you are interested in a class and don't see it on the calendar -
please don't hesitate to ask!!! We will do our best to accommodate you,
even if we can't meet in person!
Monday thru Friday - 11:00 am til 5:00 pm,
Saturday - 10:00 am til 3:00 pm
Private Shopping Appointment available - Monday thru Friday - 10:00 am to 11:00 am
Must be scheduled in advanced.
Curbside Pick-up available during regular store hours.
Please call or email to place your order and arrange a pick-up time.
~ Both customers and staff MUST wear a mask and maintain social distancing.~
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Thank you!
Denise and the Prairie Points Staff
Prairie Points Website
Contact us - Prairie Points email
Prairie Points Face Book page
Prairie Points Instagram
Prairie Points Quilt Shop
8851 North Knoxville
(in North Pointe shopping center)
Peoria, Illinois, 61615