Order Shop Hop Shirts at PP now!

June 25, 2021
Time to order Shop Hop T-shirts!!!
It'll be here before you know it - so get your
orders in now. These shirts are soooo cute!!!

We will have order blanks available in the shop.
-Short-sleeve t-shirts (S - XL) are $18.50
Add $2 for 2XL or $4 for 3XL
- Long-sleeve T-shirts (S-XL) are $21.00.
Add $2 for 2XL or $5.00 for 3XL
(Price is without tax. Tax rates will vary per store.)
Last order date is September 17 - short-sleeved shirts will be delivered
throughout the summer, but long sleeved shirts may take a little longer.

How does a day-long "SEW-CATION" sound?
You and up to 5 friends can reserve our classroom for the day to
enjoy hanging out together and work on those UFOs
As a bonus - our friendly staff will be there to answer your questions -
AND you will receive 20% off any purchase you make that day!!
Gather up your sewing besties and come have fun with us!!

For the month of June - buy 3 yards of fabric -
get one pattern at 50% off!!
Doesn't have to be a 3 yard cut - just 3 yards total!!!
(Dept 36 fabric not included.)
You asked for it and you got it!
We will keep the fat quarter Fridays going for the summer!!
Every Friday - buy 5 Fat Quarters and get the 6th one FREE!!!

Mask Challenge Extended to July 10th
By now we're all tired of the masks, even if they are a necessary accessory.
We've decided to have a little fun with them!
So....for the next few weeks, we'd like to see what you're going
to do with all those masks when we don't have to wear them anymore!!

Buy one of our pre-printed masks for $1 and use it to create a quilted
wallhanging that depicts the demise of your mask!
Bring it to the shop - by July 10th and we'll display them all from
July 12th thru the end of the mon for customers to vote on their favorite.
The one who gets the most votes will win a gift card from us.
(See the rest of the rules in the shop.)
Kimberbell Fill In the Blank project for June
is the cutest baby bodysuit for your Small Fry!

Just purchase the blank baby bodysuit and get the design FREE!!!
(Design comes on a flash drive. Take it home, sew it out and
bring back the drive for next month!)
There will be a new quick and easy project each month - with a free design!
(The best thing about these baby bodysuits is that they're
separated down the side to make it easy to sew!! They come in
multiple sizes in peach and grey. )
Did you know past FIB projects and free designs are still available?
Just buy any of the blanks and the design is yours!
(Quantity is limited. First come-first served)
Join anytime! - Kona Club 2021
Purchase the Kona 2021 Desk Calendar
and you are automatically enrolled in Kona Club and eligible to
receive a 25% discount on the current color of the
month and a 15% discount on any Kona Cotton Solid any time.

Color of the Month for May is Creamsicle.
The calendar features two free patterns and a designer pattern each month,
During the month the designer pattern is featured in the desk calendar,
you can purchase that pattern at a 20% discount.
Due to Covid restrictions - we have had to restructure our classes.
Most of them are available both in person and on Zoom, your choice.
Thank you for your patience!
Class and Club News
Saturday, June 26 - 10:00 am - Set Sail with Kelly
in the shop and on Zoom

Monday, July 5th - We will be open 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Saturday, July 10- 10:00 am - Prairie Points Quilt Club
in the shop or on Zoom.
Sunday, July 11 - Noon - Ambrosia with Kelly
in the shop or on Zoom

Saturday,July 17 - 10:00 am- Gravity BOM
in the shop and on Zoom

Saturday, July 17 - 11:00 am - Bee Comforted BOM
in the shop and on Zoom
Saturday, July 17- 11:00 am - BOM Sewing Day with Kelly
Monday, July 19 - 1:00 pm - Gems of the Prairie Art Bee
Saturday, July 24 - 10:00 am - Splash with Kelly
in the shop and on Zoom

If you are interested in a class and don't see it on the calendar -
please don't hesitate to ask!!! We will do our best to accommodate you,
even if we can't meet in person!
Monday thru Friday - 10:00 am til 5:00 pm,
Saturday - 10:00 am til 3:00 pm
Private Shopping Appointment available - Monday thru Friday - 10:00 am to 11:00 am
Must be scheduled in advanced.
(If no appointments are scheduled - we are open to the public at 10:00 am -
so please feel free to call ahead and ask!! )
Curbside Pick-up available during regular store hours.
Please call or email to place your order and arrange a pick-up time.
~ Both customers and staff MUST wear a mask and maintain social distancing.~
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Thank you!
Denise and the Prairie Points Staff
Prairie Points Website
Contact us - Prairie Points email
Prairie Points Face Book page
Prairie Points Instagram
Prairie Points Quilt Shop
8851 North Knoxville
(in North Point shopping center)
Peoria, Illinois, 61615