Last chance to turn in Mask Challange Wall-hangings!
July 7, 2021
Mask Challenge Extended to July 10th!
By now we're all tired of the masks, even if they are a necessary accessory.
We've decided to have a little fun with them!
So....for the next few weeks, we'd like to see what you're going
to do with all those masks when we don't have to wear them anymore!!
Buy one of our pre-printed masks for $1 and use it to create a quilted
wallhanging that depicts the demise of your mask!!
Your wallhanging must:
-Include at least one of our pre-printed masks but may contain more than one.
-Be finished (quilted and bound)
-Measure between 12-18"
Once complete, bring it into the shop no later than July 10th. We will display all
the entries so that customers can vote for their favorite until July 30th.
(One vote per customer per shop visit.)
We will count the votes after close of business on August 2nd.
The top 3 vote receivers will receive Prairie Points Gift Cards!
We can't wait to see what you come up with!
Priced perfectly to get you started in style!

For a limited time only - mySewnet embroidery software included
with select machines. Get even more designs to embroider!!!

All the accessories you need for making perfect Appliques!!!

Dance In Paris Update!!

We know you've been waiting patiently for this line from Moda -
we have too!! We've finally received fat quarters, layer cakes and a few
bolts so far!!! These will go fast - so come get yours today!

Covid restrictions have made New Owner's Classes challenging, but
Sewing Mastery is helping with that!
Sewing Mastery is a website created by a dealer who carries various
brands of sewing machines including HUSQVARNA VIKING.
They have given their permission to share this with you.
On the website, you will find many videos for most machines in the line such as
unboxing the machine and learning how to use the features
in each model. For most models, there are 20 or more videos.
Here is the link to the website: