Just a few more days to register!

October 13, 2021
Friday, October 15th,
9:30am - 5:00pm
Husqvarna Viking Educator Christine Harlan will be
in the shop for an EPIC 2 Event!

This hands-on workshop will showcase many wonderful sewing and
embroidery features on the Epic 2 - using faux suede and decorative
stitches to complete an Uptown Tote you will be proud to carry.

Seating is limited! Reserve your spot today!
Call or stop by the shop to pay a $25 fee to register!
Get FREE Accessories with the purchase of these machines!

Valid thru October 30th.
Want to make costumes that will last longer than one night -
and feel better than cheap plastic? These machines can help!!

Valid thru October 30th.
Want to do more with your embroidery machine?
mySewnet software subscription or boxed version gives you
unlimited possibilities with -
~The most Wizards in the industry
~ Purchase a single design or as many as you want OR
~ Subscription with access to ALL designs in mySewnet embroidery library

Due to Covid restrictions - we have had to restructure our classes.
Most of them are available both in person and on Zoom, your choice.
Thank you for your patience!
Class and Club News
Friday, October 15 - Epic 2 Event with Christine Harlan
Saturday, October 16 - 10:00 am - Diamond Star BOM with Kelly
Monday, October 18 - 1:00 pm - Gem's of the Prairie Art Bee
Saturday, October 23 - 10:00 am - Snack Time with Kelly
Saturday, October 23 - 1:00 pm - Intro to Cartonnage with Carol
Thursday, October 28 - 5:00 pm - Embroidery Garden Zippered Bag with Barb
Friday. October 29 - 10:00 am - Embroidery Garden Zippered Bag with Barb
If you are interested in a class and don't see it on the calendar -
please don't hesitate to ask!!! We will do our best to accommodate you,
even if we can't meet in person!
Monday thru Friday - 10:00 am til 5:00 pm,
Saturday - 10:00 am til 3:00 pm
Closed Sunday
Curbside Pick-up available during regular store hours.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Thank you!
Denise and the Prairie Points Staff
Prairie Points Website
Contact us - Prairie Points email
Prairie Points Face Book page
Prairie Points Instagram
Prairie Points Quilt Shop
8851 N Knoxville Avenue
Peoria, Illinois 61530