Happy Spring - finally!!!

March 23 2022

We're preparing for a new Block of the Month -
and it's a big, beautiful one!! See Kelly's announcement
and the big reveal on FaceBook
and sign up and reserve your kit now!

- 20% off all wide backs in stock
- 20% off all Quilt Books in stock
- 20 % off Quilting Accessories, including Ruler Feet,
HV Quilt Binder, Free Motion feet, Walking Feet, etc.
Stay home and shop our Online Shop!!

Check out the ONLINE SHOP HERE
Please email any questions to
Class and Club News
Saturday, March 26 - 10:00 am - Little Mini Series "Sprinkles"
Tuesday, March 29 - 12:00 pm - Beginner's Embroidery Class with Carol (Bunny Busket)
Saturday, April 2 - 10:00 am - Quilt of Valor Workshop with Kelly
Friday, April 8 - 11:00 am - New Owner's Class #1 with Denise
Friday, April 8 - 1:00 pm - New Owner's Class #2 with Denise
Saturday, April 9 - 10:00 am - Prairie Points Quilt Club
If you are interested in a class and don't see it on the calendar -
please don't hesitate to ask!!! We will do our best to accommodate you,
even if we can't meet in person!
Monday thru Friday - 10:00 am til 5:00 pm,
Saturday - 10:00 am til 3:00 pm
Closed Sunday
Curbside Pick-up available during regular store hours.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Thank you!
Denise and the Prairie Points Staff
Contact us - Prairie Points email
Prairie Points Face Book page
Prairie Points Instagram
Prairie Points Quilt Shop
8851 N Knoxville Avenue
Peoria, Illinois 61615