Happy Independence Day Weekend!!!

July 1, 2022

Have a fun and safe holiday weekend!!

See you on Tuesday, July 5th!!
Fantasy Garden Event with Christine Harlan on
Monday, July 11th from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Sign up for our special Husqvarna Viking Event with our guest -
SVP Elite Educator, Christine Harlan.
This hands-on workshop will showcase many of the wonderful sewing and embroidery
features of the Epic 2, Ruby 90 AND Epic 95Q.
The Fantasy Garden project lets you explore exclusive techniques as well as the wonderful
built in decorative stitches, yarn couching, 3D elements, quilting, use of 9mm stitches and the
laser light featured on the Epic machines. Christine will also introduce some of her favorite
special techniques, which you can apply to your garden, not taught by other educators.
If you have yet to explore any of these machines, or just want to learn more,
please join Christine and us for a fun-filled day.

More details and Christine's bio can be found on our website
or pick up a flyer in the shop. Registration in the shop or online.
Stock up now for your Holiday gift projects!
Save 20% on all seasonal fabrics this month.
Includes Christmas, Halloween, Patriotic and all
holiday fabrics and kits
(Including Riley Blake and Kimberbell!)
Valid July 1-31.
In August and September, we will be joining in the ALL ILLINOIS SHOP HOP.
This should be a lot of fun - and the Shop Hop Quilt fabrics are beautiful!!
Here's a link to the AISH for more info.
The AISH has a "Shop Hop Talk Tuesday" in the weeks leading up
to the kickoff in August. Join them at the link below, starting on
July 5th and be "in the know"!!
Shop Hop Talk Tuesdays
The magazines for AISH are in the shop now!
Come get yours for $9.95 and start planning your route!!
Ruby Star Pre-cuts -
Fat Quarters of Speckled and Birthday
Layer Cakes of Sugar and Starry.
We also have some special new classes in the works in the coming months!
Stay tuned for Kimberbell, beginning sewing classes, Cartonnage and more!!!
We appreciate our customers - and would love to hear what classes you'd like to take!!
Kona and Aurifil Colors of the Month
The Kona Color of the Month for July is Torch.
Kona Club members get 25% off Torch this month and
15% off all other Kona solids any time!
The coordinating Aurifil Color of the Month is Bright Orange.
Purchase the Aurifil thread box & receive coupons good for 25% off one color of
your choice per month and 15% off any other spool of Aurifil thread any time.
You will also get 25% off the Aurifil Color of the Month, which coordinates with
the Kona Color of the Month!
(You must bring in the box and coupons to receive discount.)
Don't forget our ONLINE SHOP!!

Check out the ONLINE SHOP HERE
Please email and questions to
Class and Club News
Monday, July 4th - closed
Friday, July 8 - 11:00 am - New Owner's Class #1 with Denise
Friday, July 8 - 1:00 pm - New Owner's Class #2 with Denise
Saturday, July 9 - 10:00 am - Prairie Points Quilt Club
Monday, July 11 - 9:00 am - Fantasy Garden Event with Christine Harlan
Saturday, July 23 - 10:00 - Mini Jaybird Series - Come What May with Kelly
If you are interested in a class and don't see it on the calendar -
please don't hesitate to ask!!! We will do our best to accommodate you,
even if we can't meet in person!
Monday thru Friday - 10:00 am til 5:00 pm,
Saturday - 10:00 am til 3:00 pm
Closed Sunday
Curbside Pick-up available during regular store hours.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Thank you!
Denise and the Prairie Points Staff
Contact us - Prairie Points email
Prairie Points Face Book page
Prairie Points Instagram
Prairie Points Quilt Shop
8851 N Knoxville Avenue
Peoria, Illinois 61615